Trip Planning

So, there you are, in the midst of your daily grind, daydreaming about leaving it all behind to travel the world. You’d like to sell all your worldly possessions in exchange for a sturdy backpack and a pair of hiking boots. Perhaps you imagine riding a moped past rice paddies in Vietnam or dancing samba in a hot, sweaty club with a sexy Brazilian or trekking over New Zealand’s stunning glaciers. Ahh….the nomadic life of a globetrotting traveler.

Snap out of it! It ain’t that simple, buddy, but we’re here to help you along the way. Check out our sections below.


  • Brock says:

    Classic. I am definitely sitting in my corporate cube. And although I love my job and am already comitted to the trip I am excitedly planning…you still gave me a wonderful little chuckle.

    Looking forward to reading up more on your blog and adventures.


  • surya says:

    so true…. i normally feel suffocated in my cubicle.. but after reading you guys.. i feel jailed….. i am waiting to be liberated


  • KebkaRosa says:

    He and I are just starting to plan and save for our 6 month RTW trip. We are hoping to leave April of 2011. Money is our main obstacle; paying for bills while gone mainly.
    Your site is fucking fantastic and we are using it as our bible.
    Thank you so much for not being just another tblog and injecting
    some reality into all the “magical adventure” bruhaha.

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