Anatomy of a backpacker meltdown

Enjoy this guest post from our friend, Angelica from Tweaked and Untitled! I have this bad habit to keep going, going, going until I’m gone. Although I’ve been giving myself kudos for getting as far as I have in Morocco without jackshit, I’m starting to think it was just a generous … Continue Reading →

R.I.P Canon SD870 IS

We’ve spent the last six days in the final two imperial cities of Morocco, Meknes and Fes.  Unfortunately and despite hours of looking for a petit turnovice (little screwdriver) and many more hours tinkering over tiny components, our camera is officially dead 🙁  As a result may I direct you … Continue Reading →

Marrakech = Mindfuck

Crammed into the flying shitshow that is EasyJet, we talked to a group of rowdy British holidaymakers heading to Marrakech. “Oh, don’t worry. It’s very relaxing there,” they assured us. Fortunately, it was anything but. After arguing with the airport taxi driver over the fare, we finally negotiated a price … Continue Reading →